“Why do you do this?  If you were in Pakistan, no one would do this for you”

So often are we asked this question- especially when people find out that we are a charity and that the majority of the people who work here are volunteers. 

Quite simply: “We believe God’s great plan to bless all nations of the earth through Jesus the Messiah.  He calls His people into partnership with Himself for His purpose.  In response The Well seeks to be a blessing to our neighbours from all over the world.” 

This is the heartbeat and ethos of The Well

Our mission is to: “Serve our multi-cultural neighbours holistically and enable others to do the same.”

Our values, rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ, are to: 

  • Treat others as we would like to be treated.  
  • Respect all service users regardless of their age, gender, sexuality, social, religious, or ethnic background. 
  • Value the contributions of all who support the work of The Well in any way.
  • Embody the hope of transformation. 

Our Aims are to:

  1. Show God’s unconditional love by providing a high quality & professional service:
    • a place of welcome, hospitality and friendship.
    • a safe place for people to discuss personal issues and be assured of confidentiality.
  2. Encourage & develop:
    • self-confidence & independence 
    • awareness of rights and responsibilities
    • the affirmation of women and children
  3. Develop partnerships with other organisations and individuals who share a similar ethos.
  4. Help churches and other groups to reach out to their neighbours of diverse faiths and cultures.
  5. Facilitate conversations and enable mutual understanding and respect between people of diverse cultures, communities and faith groups.
  6. Seek the welfare and peace of our city, and challenge church and society on issues relating to social justice.


The Well  receives referrals from Job Centre Plus, Social Work, Health Visitors, Teachers and other third sector organisations and individuals.  The Well also refers more complex cases onto partners such as:   

Southside Housing Association – Welfare Rights

Govanhill Law Centre

Both of these organisations run weekly Specialist Surgeries in The WellWe also work closely with Police Scotland and we were the pioneer for their third party reporting scheme on race-related crime.  The Well is also a referral centre for Glasgow SE Foodbank.

We are part of the South East Integration Network and work with other local charities and organisations where possible to meet common goals.

Our History

Read about  our history here.

Our Supporters

Read about Our Supporters here.

Watch the video of The Well