Tell me something good

Stories of Warmth and Hope at The Well

It’s easy to focus on the difficulties people face. But at The Well, we also see the incredible strength and determination that helps them overcome those challenges. These include inspiring stories of resilience, hope, and positive change. During a recent team debrief, we asked “Tell me something good.” And you know what? There’s a lot of good to tell. Here are two stories to warm you inside and out.

One family was making huge sacrifices, even limiting their gas and electricity use because of a Council Tax issue.  Afraid of debt, their home was cold and their stress levels high. Thanks to the persistence of a few advisors, the mistake was corrected and the family can now afford to turn up the heat without fear.

Another family faced a different kind of cold. New to the UK,  they were shocked at how quickly their money disappeared from their top-up gas and electricity meters.  Wanting to avoid debt, they simply layered on more clothes to keep warm when they couldn’t afford to top up. Then came a shock – a massive bill from the utility company. Thankfully, they had kept records and receipts and knew something didn’t add up. Our advisors investigated, uncovered an error, and challenged the charge.  Not only was the four-figure bill wiped out but the family was put in credit. They were overjoyed! For the first time in a long time, they could relax, take off a layer, and enjoy the comfort of a warm home.

These are just two examples of the positive impact The Well has on people’s lives. We help people navigate complex systems, advocate for their rights, and empower them to build brighter futures. Often, they leave with more than just advice—they leave with warmth, dignity, peace of mind and hope.


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