Extra Extra read all about it

Extra, Extra  read  all  about  it!

Do you read Greater Govanhill magazine? (You should, its a good read and a really useful source of community information) You may notice a familiar face in the Oct/Nov issue as our very own Gordon was recently interviewed for the Volunteer Spotlight feature.

Gordon wears many hats for The Well. He started as an advice volunteer, he runs our men’s group, ‘Men at The Well’ and recently took on the role of chairman on the Board of Trustees.  In the article, Gordon says this about his volunteer roles at The Well: “I find it enriching meeting different people and seeing what some have on their plate. A lot of folks have got so  much piled on and against them, the fact that they’re still here is an achievement.” We’re grateful for all that Gordon brings to The Well and to the many people he helps by volunteering.

You can read the full volunteer spotlight feature on page 8 of Greater Govanhill magazine.  There are copies of the magazine in the reception area at The Well as well as other places throughout Govanhill.



ابھی تک کوئی رائے نہیں ہے۔ آپ بحث کیوں نہیں شروع کرتے؟

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