Women at The Well

The Well is grateful to receive funding from the SafeDeposits Scotland Community Fund to support our series of programmes ,”Women at The Well”. This includes  ‘Chai and Chat’, a social craft group, and ‘Bubbles’, a toddler group for women and children up to school age.

We want all women in the community to have a space where they feel comfortable, can be assured of a warm welcome, a place where friendships grow and new skills and confidence can be gained. Previous participants of our social programmes have said:

“People look after each other in this group”

“I like to come and speak to people, you make it so I don’t feel anxious”

“I don’t have family nearby, but now I have friends.”

“Women at The Well” is more than just a series of programmes,  it is a strategic investment in the success and resilience of the women in our community.

Chai and Chat will start on 27 August 2024. Bubbles will start the first week of September 2024. Follow us on social media @thewellglasgow to keep updated on these groups.






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