At our recent 20th anniversary, we presented “Long Service Certificates” to three volunteers who have been a part of The Well right from the beginning. I still find it amazing that people are willing to consistently and regularly volunteer for so long!
But nothing stands still, and after much thought, Nancy one of those three, has decided that the time has come for her to retire from The Well. Nancy has given her life to serving others, her working life was spent as teaching as a Church of Scotland partner in North India, and the skills she acquired working cross-culturally stood her in good stead when she joined The Well.
We will miss her when she finishes in May.
We will also miss Mary from our regular volunteer team, who is also stepping down. Mary has been an another very valued member of our team – totally dedicated to doing her best for everyone she helps, and certainly does not allow agencies to “fob her off.”
With these two members retiring it leaves us with two more massive gaps in our advice and information volunteer team.
Would you consider joining us? Can you fill in forms? Can you make phone calls? Can you listen to people? Can you make tea? Would you like to be involved with people from different cultures and backgrounds? We provide the support and training necessary & although we can never predict who is going to come in, we can certainly predict that the sense of achievement in helping people is second to none.
If you are looking for a new challenge and would consider getting involved in The Well, please get in touch. (0141 424 4523 and ask for Rhoda, or email
Perhaps you can’t do anything just now, but you know someone else who might be interested, then please pass this on.
Please feel free to share this need in your church magazine.