I wonder if you have ever asked yourself this question? I know I have! And I know I have asked it many times since last December, when the Board unanimously agreed to give notice to vacate 42-44 Albert Road in May 2014.
At the Board meeting night last night our chairman, Rev William Wilson, led the opening devotions from Exodus 19. He reminded us that even though the people had seen a great deliverance from Egypt, very soon, once the going got tough and they couldn’t see how God could either provide for them, or take them out of the wilderness, they started to complain and say “we want to go to go back to Egypt!” William said “in the place of uncertainty it’s easy to look back and say ‘what have we done?’ to think ‘we shouldn’t have given in notice, when we don’t know where we are going.’
He encouraged us that this was wrong thinking, as sometimes the place of uncertainty is exactly the place God wants us to be, which makes it the safest place.
I think all of the Board were greatly encouraged by this reminder and challenge, as we continue to face uncertain days.
Thank you William!
Sound advice . God knows the plan for us.