Samosa Sundays are a great way to introduce The Well to your church.
Many congregations around Glasgow and beyond have hosted a soup and (optional!) samosa lunch to help their people find out more about the work of The Well Multi-Cultural Advice Centre and to give them a chance to support the work of The Well. An amazing £3500 has been donated to The Well from these events, which is a real encouragement to the Board, staff and volunteers of The Well.
We are hoping that as we celebrate 20 years of The Well in 2014, that even more churches will hold a Samosa Sunday. Would your church consider having a lunch after your morning service to support the work of The Well?
We have uploaded some soup and other recipes from our clients – representing the various countries that our clients come from. One of our craft group ladies has given us her pakora recipe (if you were at the craft fair, you might have bought her pakora – if you were quick, it sold out within minutes of arriving!)
There is a DVD available for churches to use as part of Samosa Sunday, and one of our Board has uploaded a sermon based on Ruth 1 if you would like to use it. There is also a children’s talk and a fact sheet about The Well.
We want to look back at the past 20 years and give thanks for the hundreds if not thousands, of lives who have been helped by The Well since its humble beginnings, but also very much to look forward to next stage. As you may already know The Well is planning to move from 42- 44 Albert Road in May, and we know that any new premises that we move to will need work done on them to make them Well ready. It would be amazing if enough money could be raised from Samosa Sundays to help with those alterations! (Depending on the property we find, we know it could be anything up to £35,000!)
Keep checking back over the next few weeks for further information.
If you would like to register for Samosa Sunday then please email:, and anything that cannot be uploaded here, will be posted out to you, or can be collected from The Well.
Our anniversary bags are here! Photo to come soon.