At our final Chai & Chat Session for this year, after the women had spent time decorating Christmas Ginger Cookies – they looked amazing!

Afterwards we had our traditional Christmas Story time, and Penny told the women how one of her Bubbles mum had said “Christmas Parties are different here, you make it all about people.” Penny used this as her starting point to tell them about the people of the very first Christmas Story. You could have heard a pin drop. Afterwards we sang “Away in a manager” (Thanks Jaan for popping in at the right time!)
We wanted to thank the volunteers who make the Chai & Chat group happen, and this year we had a special thanks to Shanaz* for her help in the group – teaching them how to make teddybears! A first for her to take the lead, and she did exceptionally well!

After the formalities were all over we enjoyed the various snacks the women had brought – oh the advantage of working cross-culturally, such delicious homemade food and snacks!
“You make Christmas about the people.” I’ve been thinking about that, Christmas is about the people as Penny so aptly told the women, but I’ve also been reflecting and thinking on how the most important person of the Christmas story and actually who ever lived, makes it possible for The Well to be all about people – not just at Christmas time, but right throughout the year.
*name changed