
About four years ago a man first came to The Well very worried about an apparent overpayment that he had received from Income Support.

We followed it up on his behalf, and he was eventually able to produce evidence that he had gone to Job Centre Plus when he had said he had.  Job Centre Plus confirmed that this should close the case.

Life could now resume for the family without the stress of a supposed over-payment.

In March of this year I could hardly believe it, he had received a letter from them demanding immediate payment for the overpayment!

We have done everything that we can think of, including writing to the Secretary of State for DWP, but so far to no avail. They admit that he has the evidence that he went to the Job Centre Plus to discuss his benefits – but not that he informed them of the change in circumstances. They continually refuse him an appeal, saying he is out of time.

Finally last week, after several lengthy conversations with the debt department they agreed he could submit an appeal and they would consider whether they would allow an appeal or not. I looked back over all the information and discovered that they had changed his name and said he informed them on the 3rd June 2007 of this change of circumstances and they continued to pay him until the 25th June.

But the really interesting thing is that the 3rd June 2007 was a Sunday . . .

I await the next stage with bemusement.



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