“I’ve got you . . .”

Last week I received a phone call, I instantly knew the voice, but I couldn’t name the person. She asked if she could come into see us, she needed some advice.  I asked what sort of advice, and she said “Personal”.  I told her our opening times, and suggested she ask for me – Rhoda.  She said “Oh Rhoda, thank God you are still there, you helped me 12 years ago!”

When she did  get in to see me we had a lot of catching up to do, her family has grown, her faith is much more important to her, she’s been busy!

She listed the huge support network that others have, and then in the next breath said “and I’ve got you”!  I laughed – not sure whether I’d just been complimented or insulted! She realised how it sounded, and immediately reassured me that it was a compliment, and having The Well was the best support possible!

But isn’t it great?! That after 12 years she knew where to turn to get help. That because we are still here she could say “I’ve got you” and know it to be true.



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