Ever since I’ve been involved with The Well we’ve never closed for lunch. It was often quiet enough for folks to have their lunch together, have a blether and change shifts.
I remember those days!
In recent years The Well has become so busy that there times the volunteers never see each other, perhaps the morning staff work well into the afternoon, and some have been seen sitting down for something to eat at 2.00 or even later.
We’ve all just got used to this way of working, but since The Well is about community and fellowship for the whole team, we’re going to try things differently for the next few weeks!
From today we will close at 12:30, the afternoon folks will come and join us for our prayer time and have lunch together for those who want. Initially this will be just for 1/2 hour, but who knows we might love it so much that we need to have longer.
Hopefully our service users will also benefit from a staff team who are more refreshed!