I first came into “The Well” back in September ’09. I instantly loved the people I was working with, volunteers and clients.
I can still remember my first client, a gentleman who wanted to change electric companies. I used to think that was stressful!
Returning to The Well in October last year, was fantastic. It is like a big family here, and I felt instantly that I really never wanted to leave. So with encouragement from Rhoda and a few others, I started finding out about the possibility of starting an internship at “The Well” and here we are today!
Since October, I have had some very interesting people to work with. One man came to me because his computer had been accusing him of being a terrorist, and he couldn’t understand why. It was a virus!
To the couple who were owed money from their bankrupt lawyer. After being asked by one of the “big men” (who was very nice, I hasten to add) at the Scottish Law Society, if I was their new lawyer – he was slightly surprised to find out I wasn’t – we finally managed to secure quite a sizeable cheque, plus compensation for them!
The sense of satisfaction from this job is something else, but the other side of that, is the connection you make with some people, which leaves you wanting to cry over what some are going through. Other times though you can be left pulling your hair out from the language barriers/cases that go round in circles/and replacing passport forms 3 times in 20 minutes because you’re using pen, and you weren’t given correct information the first time!
Anyway, I better stop my rambling and get back to work. Otherwise I’ll be here all day talking about how wonderful “The Well” is. One thing I do know though is, I wouldn’t be loving this job half as much, if the people I worked with weren’t so wonderful!