Last week I received a phone call, I instantly knew the voice, but I couldn't name the person. She asked if she could come into see us, she needed some…
The Well is always changing and adapting to the needs and challenges of our service users. We've seen a change in the demographics of Govanhill, and this has been reflected…
Hello and welcome to Gail. Gail joined the team in the middle of February both as a volunteer and as our part-time fundraiser. I'll let her tell you a wee…
We have been privileged to have been friends with The Rt Rev Dr Angus Morrison - Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, for many years. We…
Sometimes I can hardly believe that it’s a year since The Well faced its toughest challenge to date, and yet here we are at the start of another year, having…
Bubbles We are delighted that we have once again been awarded Funding from BBC Children in Need for our Bubbles Mother & Toddler Group. Penny & Christine have been running…
Nothing in The Well ever stays the same for very long. About a month ago we welcomed Rachel, Jeff & Nicole to the volunteer team. The next week Alastair told…