Two are better than one

I’m sitting here feeling quite chuffed with myself because I have actually manged to access this blog page without having to ask anyone for help!!

However, at least part of the reason I am sitting here typing away this particular afternoon is that I know  my colleague, Gail is around and I can ask  her for help if I need it. (She’s clever with IT, computers and stuff like that!!)

Throughout today well over 30 other individuals have come into The Well knowing that help and support is available for them too.

There’s the woman who is  looking for her own place to stay now that a firm job offer has been made. She makes good use of the   computer suite as she would not be able to access the internet easily otherwise. She accepts a cup of tea happily when offered, and then gets back to work on the computer.

A family want to clarify a couple of things on a form they need to complete. It’s a large document and lots of jargon needs to be deciphered. Their limited English means they are finding it a struggle. We are able to phone someone we know who can translate for us which makes all the difference.

Yesterday afternoon a few of us got together over some samosa and tea.  We had a useful discussion around how we might develop the women’s Craft Group. ( More about that soon!) Suffice it to say that over the following couple of hours craft activities for the next few weeks had been sorted – thanks Heather and Jan –  and Gail had come up with a beautiful new design for an invitation postcard we will use as invitations  to the group.

It’s great when you know there’s someone or somewhere that you can turn to and find genuine support –  and it’s the commitment of each of the Well team, combined with a diverse range of knowledge, skills and experience that makes so much of what we do on a day to day basis possible.

One of the Wisdom books put it so well:

    Two are better than one,
     because they have a good return for their labour:
      If either of them falls down,
    one can help the other up.


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